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单位:西安石油大学...     作者:方松林,马祺     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-03-21

摘 要:伴随着国家“十四五”规划中提出实施城市更新的计划,城市老旧社区公共空间亟需更新改造。城市社区公共空间作为居民沟通的媒介,公共空间的改造对提升社区活力尤为重要。文章首先以“微更新”设计为研究切入点,总结当前城市老旧社区公共空间存在的问题;然后从渐小微进、可持续发展、需求导向三方面总结了老旧社区公共空间的设计原则;最后结合案例提出微更新设计的具体方法,以期为当前城市老旧社区公共空间的微更新设计提供一定参考。


中图分类号:TU984.12 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the implementation of urban renewal plan proposed in the National "Fourteenth Five Year Plan", the public space of old urban communities is in urgent need of renewal and improvement. As a medium for residents to communicate, the transformation of urban community public space is particularly important to enhance community vitality. The paper starts with the design of "micro renewal", and summarizes the problems existing in the public space of the current urban old communities; Then the design principles of the public space in the old community are summarized from three aspects: gradual improvement, sustainable development and demand orientation; Finally combined with the case, the paper puts forward the specific method of micro renewal design, aiming to provide some reference for the micro renewal design and transformation of the public space of the current urban old communities.

Key Words:City; Old community; Public Space; Micro Renewal