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单位:福建农林大学...     作者:陈舒丰     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-03-21

摘 要:文章在文旅融合理念视域下,以竹类文化创意产品为研究对象,分析我国竹类文化创意产品现存问题,提出资源可持续、旅游场域转换与深化体验维度的设计思路,并生成挖掘文化特征以丰富竹产品创意表达、立足竹材工艺以营造差异化感质、打造文旅品牌以构筑竹产品生态循环三个设计策略。文章有利于丰富现有竹类文化创意产品的外在表现形式,契合用户旅游情境和现代生活场景的使用需求,提升竹类文化创意产品的个性化、情感化、优质化的产品交互体验与文化价值,也为突破产业边界,提升经济效益,促进文旅融合与文化有序传承,提供了创新思路与方法。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Under the vision of the integration of culture and tourism, this paper takes bamboo cultural creative products as the research object, analyzes the existing problems of bamboo cultural creative products in China, studies from the aspects of "sustainable resources", "transformation of tourism field" and "deepening experience dimension", and generates and excavates the form and meaning in tourism culture. Based on the characteristics of bamboo to create a sense of differentiation; Three optimization strategies for constructing ecological cycle of bamboo products and cultural tourism. This study is conducive to enriching the external expression and internal cultural value of existing cultural and creative products, meeting the user's demand for tourism and modern life scenes, enhancing the personalized, emotional and high-quality product interaction experience of bamboo cultural and creative products, and providing method and innovation ideas for optimizing strategies for breaking through the original bamboo industry boundary and promoting the integration of cultural and tourism.

Key Words:Cultural Integration; Bamboo; Cultural Product Design; Ideas; Strategy