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单位:内蒙古农业大...     作者:胡善坤,吴日哲,刘永坤     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-03-21

摘 要:传统鲁锦工艺在现代化开发的过程中逐渐失去了自身的传统文化特色,开始屈服于批量生产的市场需求,追求商业价值,而忽略了文化价值。如何使鲁锦既能满足消费者的功能性需求,也能满足消费者的文化性需求,成为了文章的主要研究目的。文章从价值取向、传统技艺、文化内涵等角度出发,对鲁锦的发展现状进行研究分析,并尝试提出解决方案和实例,以期能够使现代设计与传统鲁锦工艺之间和谐共生,探索出符合传统鲁锦工艺特色的创新设计道路。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the process of modernization development, the traditional Lu brocade from technology gradually lost its traditional cultural characteristics, began to yield to the market demand of mass production, and pursued commercial value, while ignoring the cultural value. How to make Lu brocade from meet both the functional and cultural needs of consumers has become the main purpose of this paper. From the perspective of value orientation, traditional skills and cultural connotation, this paper studies and analyzes the development status of Lu brocade from, and tries to put forward solutions and examples. In order to make modern design and traditional Lu brocade from craft coexist harmoniously and explore the innovative design road in line with the characteristics of traditional Lujin technology.

Key Words:Culture; Inheritance and protection; Lu brocade from; Design; Application