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单位:淮北师范大学...     作者:王婷婷     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-05-25

摘 要:“五育融合”作为新时代高等院校发展的最新要求,有助于全面实施学生德智体美劳全面发展的目标。文章将“五育融合”的理念引入环境设计专业课程进行教学实践,坚持以知识学习素养为基础,以解决问题的能力培养为手段,以五育思维的培养为目标。从教学思维的深度性、知识结构的关联性、教学活动的科学性和教学评价的实效性四个方面入手,探索实现学生全面发展的可行路径,以期为环境设计专业课程教学提供新的思路。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:As the latest requirement of the development of colleges and universities in the new era, "Five Education Integration" is conducive to the comprehensive implementation of the goal of the comprehensive development of students' morality, intelligence, physique, aesthetic and labor. This paper introduces the concept of "Five Education Integration" into the curriculum of environmental design specialty for teaching practice, insisting on the knowledge learning quality as the basis, the ability to solve problems as the means, the training of five education thinking as the goal. Starting from the depth of teaching thinking, the relevance of knowledge structure, the scientific nature of teaching activities and the timeliness of teaching evaluation, this paper explores the feasible path to realize the comprehensive development of students, in order to provide new ideas for the teaching of environmental design major.

Key Words:Five Education Integration; Environmental Design Major; Curriculum; Teaching Practice