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单位:上海电机学院...     作者:何修传,薛俊杰     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2024-03-20

摘 要:文章从教学设计的角度探索数字媒体艺术专业虚拟仿真教学体验的优化方法。基于案例对教学设计提升参与度、理解度、创造性体验的方法和策略进行分析。通过教学设计提升参与度体验,可从将课程设计分为教师主导式的低度参与、师生合作式的中度参与和学生主导式的高度参与等模式;提升理解度体验可从认知负荷理论入手,采取措施减少外部认知负荷、降低内部认知负荷、增加相关认知负荷;提升创造性体验可从聚合思维和发散思维的角度入手,帮助学生成长为优秀的数字媒体艺术设计师。


中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2024)03-0091-04


Abstract:This article explores the promotion of virtual simulation teaching experience in digital media art major from the perspective of instructional design. Based on case analysis and the theory of instructional design, it conducts a review and studies the strategies of instructional design to enhance participation, understanding, and creative experience. Instructional design can enhance the participatory experience by designing the curriculum into teacher-led low participation, teacher-student cooperative medium participation, and student-led high participation modes based on the degree of participation. To enhance the understanding experience, we can start with cognitive load theory and take measures to reduce external cognitive load, reduce internal cognitive load, and increase relevant cognitive load. To enhance creative experience, we can start from the perspective of convergent thinking and divergent thinking to help students grow into excellent digital media art designers.

Key Words:Instructional Design; Virtual Simulation Teaching; Digital Media Art