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单位:北华大学材料...     作者:吴俊华,乐磊     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2024-05-22

摘 要:随着新经济建设和“中国制造2025”战略的不断深入,家具行业内部发生了较大的技术变革,在“互联网+”、大数据和智能制造等新技术的影响下,以新工科为特色的家具设计类专业在人才培养模式上需要与时俱进。文章以家具设计类专业学生的创新创业能力为研究内容,分析了高校开展创新创业教育的重要意义和家具设计类专业人才培养的特点,指出了学生参与创新创业活动存在的主要问题。同时,以学科竞赛为载体,提出了家具设计类专业学生创新创业能力提升的策略,以期为家具行业培养高素质的创新创业人才指明方向。 


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2024)05-0096-04


Abstract:With the deepening of the new economic construction and the "Made in China 2025" strategy, profound technological changes have taken place within the furniture industry, Under the influence of new technologies such as Internet +, big data and intelligent manufacturing, furniture design majors featuring new engineering must keep pace with the situation in terms of talent training mode. Based on furniture design engineering students' innovation ability as the research object, analyses the significance of colleges and universities to carry out the creative education and the characteristics of the furniture design class professional personnel training, points out the main problems of students involved in innovative entrepreneurial activity. Taking the discipline competition as the carrier, this paper puts forward the strategies to improve the innovative and entrepreneurial ability of furniture design students, in order to point out the direction for the furniture industry to train high-quality innovative and entrepreneurial talents.

Key Words:Discipline Competition; Furniture Design; New Engineering; Internet +; Innovation and Entrepreneurship