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单位:淮海工学院艺...     作者:张冰冰     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-22

摘 要:在互联网的长尾效应下,将更加适应文创产业企业规模较小的特征,适合中小城市文创资源相对分散和薄弱的特征。为中小城市,特别是中小城市的文创企业提供了全新的传播渠道和交易平台。互联网使部分具备丰富历史文化资源的中小城市具备了和世界衔接的平台,历史文化与创意的衔接,将助力中小城市文化创意产业腾飞。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:under the long tail effect of the Internet, it will be more suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of cultural and creative industries. It will be suitable for small and medium cities with relatively scattered and weak resources. For small and medium-sized cities, especially small and medium cities in the creation of enterprises to provide a new channel of communication and trading platform. The Internet enables some small and medium-sized cities with rich historical and cultural resources to connect with the world, and the convergence of history, culture and creativity will boost the cultural and creative industries in small and medium-sized cities.

Key Words:Internet plus; cultural creative industry; industrial cluster