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单位:国网泰安供电公司     作者:张勇 翟勇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-22

摘 要:本文针对集体企业安全生产管理现状和特点,紧紧围绕安全生产长治久安,认真查找分析薄弱环节,创新安全生产理念,探索安全生产实践经验与规律,多措并举确保“五到位”,用规范的制度实现全员“不能违章”,用到位的监督考核实现“不敢违章”,用浓厚的安全文化促进全员主动“反违章”的大安全工作氛围,保持企业安全生产良好局面,为提升企业“两个服务”水平奠定坚实的基础。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Aiming at the current situation and characteristics of safety production management of collective enterprises, focus on production safety seriously find weaknesses analysis of long period of stability, innovation, safety concept, safety production experience and explore the rules and take measures to ensure the full realization of the "five place", "not illegal" in the standard system, the realization of "not illegal" supervision in place, promote full active "safe working atmosphere with anti illegal" safety culture, maintain the good situation of production safety in enterprises, lay a solid foundation for the promotion of enterprise "two services".

Key Words:collective enterprise; safety management; five"