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单位:北京服装学院     作者:宋双     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-22

摘 要:奥博利·比亚兹莱,是十九世纪末英国杰出的插图艺术家。1894年他为王尔德戏剧作品《莎乐美》创作的插图作品,多以女性形象为主,人物形象清冽奇崛,内容恐怖怪诞,其是对线条和黑白色块天才般的运用,使作品颇具象征意义。“他的一生犹如他的黑白插画一样,既单纯又传奇。”本文结合比亚兹莱的传奇人生和他的插图作品《沙乐美》中的具体画作进行分析,试图通过对比亚兹莱本人的成长经历和其作品中女性形象的分析,深入阐述其女性艺术形象的形成原因。


中图分类号:J05 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Aubrey-Beardsley was an outstanding British artist illustration at the end of nineteenth Century. In 1894 he was Wilde drama "Salome" creative illustrations, mostly female images, characters clear peculiar, the contents of horror grotesque, which is used to the line and the black and white color genius, works quite symbolic. "His life is like his black-and-white illustrations, both simple and legendary." In this paper, combined with the specific paintings of Beardsley's legendary life and his artwork "Salome" in the analysis, attempts to analyze the female Beardsley my upbringing and his works in the image, discusses the reasons for the formation of artistic images of women.

Key Words:Childhood; women; fantasy; darkness; grotesque