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单位:上海交通大学     作者:丁育伟 施健     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-22

摘 要:中国诗词是中国文艺百花园中一朵最为艳丽的奇葩。从周朝,春秋时期的《诗经》,《楚辞》为开端,到后期的《全唐诗》,再至宋朝抑扬顿挫的各式词牌,其数目不可谓不浩瀚,其内容不可谓不精彩。在这些让中国人传承吟唱了数千年的文化精髓中,对于珠宝首饰的描述也是多不胜数,本文将采取其中的一小部分作为案例,结合当时的时代背景和人文情况做一个具体的分析。同时也在探索中发现,这巨大的诗词库也是未来叙事性珠宝首饰设计的宝贵的材料库。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Chinese poetry is one of the most beautiful flowers in Chinese literature and art. From the “Shi Jing” and “Chu Ci” in Zhou Dynasty and Chunqiu Period as the beginning, to the latter part of the "Entire Tang poem" and again to all kinds of song melodious tunes, the number is to vast, and its content can be described as fabulous. All these contents which let Chinese people inherit and sing during the thousands of years, for the description of the jewelry is numerous。This paper will take a small part as cases, combining with the time background and the cultural situation in a specific analysis. At the same time, it is also found that the great poetry library is also a valuable and huge material library for the future narrative jewelry design.

Key Words:Chinese traditional poems; Jewelry design; Narrative