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单位:中国电子科技...     作者:赵轶男     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-22

摘 要:本文通过对国内外科普场馆以及与科技相关的艺术展览的调研,总结出传统科普形式及科普展品中所存在的诸多问题,提出了新时期、新形势下科普形式及科普产品的发展趋势,即强调借助新媒体交互及工业设计的手段,改变传统科普中以静态展陈为主的展示形式,增加科普产品的互动性和趣味性,使观众变被动接受为主动探索,获得参与感和成就感,从而提升观众对科学知识的探索兴趣,进一步扩大科学传播与普及的受众群体,解决科普内容枯燥、不易传播和难以深入的问题。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper summarizes the existing problems of the traditional forms and exhibits in popular science, with on-the-spot investigations of the general science museums and exhibitions related to art both inside and outside China. Therefore, the development tendency of popular science and popular science exhibits under the new situation is put forward. That take the advantage of new media interaction and industrial design. That means to change the static exhibition mainly display in the form of traditional popular science, more interactive and interesting, make the audience change passively acceptance to an active exploration, so as to obtain a sense of achievement and to enhance interest in the exploration of scientific knowledge. It enables the popularization of science to expand the audience, as well as, making the contents of science popularization not boring any more, and also solving the problem of difficult to spread and penetrate for the scientific knowledge.

Key Words:popular science; interactive projection; industrial design; aerodynamics