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单位:哈尔滨师范大...     作者:吕含     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-22

摘 要:当代手机界面设计艺术不断发展,在秉持将产品本身的UI设计与用户体验设计完美融合的设计原则下,手机界面设计风格及表现形式仍多种多样。近年来,社会对于手机界面的要求更为严格,扁平化风格在手机界面设计中成为一大流行趋势。和以往的拟物化设计比较,扁平化设计在设计理念上更为先进,在视觉效果上更为直观。扁平化风格将以往流行的渐变、阴影、高光以及透视等拟真视觉效果放弃,推崇简洁的平面化传达方式,化繁为简让"信息"本身重新作为核心被凸显出来,让用户一目了然。本文重点探讨了手机界面设计中的扁平化风格,希望以此为手机界面设计的优化提供一些具有参考价值的建议。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Contemporary mobile phone interface design art development, adhere to the User Interface design of the product itself and the design principle of user experience design perfect combination, the mobile phone interface design style and form is diverse.In recent years, the society is more strict to the requirement of mobile phone interface, flat style become a popular trend in the mobile phone interface design compared to previous proposed materialized design, flat design in more advanced design concept, on the visual effect is more intuitive Flat style will ever popular gradient shadow highlights and perspective photorealistic visual effect to abandon, connoisseurs of complanation convey way, change numerous for brief to "information" itself is highlighted to come out again as the core, let the user be clear at a glance This paper mainly discusses the flat style of mobile phone interface design, hoping to provide mobile phone interface design optimization of some Suggestions of reference value.

Key Words:Mobile phone interface; Design; Flat style