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单位:湖南工业大学...     作者:刘靓 赖守亮     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-22

摘 要:研究“互联网+”视阈下的漆器文化传承和创新APP界面设计和交互方式的可行性分析,从分析APP市场中现有的漆器类APP的特征入手,总结漆器类APP的界面设计和交互方式的应用,概括漆器APP界面设计中的信息架构和运营方法。将传统艺术工艺与虚拟艺术和“互联网+”融合,使漆器文化得以保护、传承与创新。面向“互联网+”的漆器APP界面设计,应充分兼顾实景在现与用户体验的交互互动形式,通过将漆器工艺在现的虚拟艺术传达弘扬传统文化的内涵,打开漆器的交流平台以及交易平台。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Researching on the feasibility analysis, from the perspective of "Internet plus" lacquer culture inheritance and innovation of APP interface design and interactive method, this paper analyzes the characteristics of lacquer class existing APP market, application interface design and interactive way to summarize the lacquer APP, and the general APP interface design information architecture and operation method. It integrates the traditional art crafts and virtual art and "Internet plus" thinking to make lacquer culture fusion, protection, inheritance and innovation. The design of APP interface for lacquer by "Internet plus" thinking, should fully take into account the real interactive form and user experience, and the lacquer art is in the virtual communication to carry forward the traditional culture connotation, and it should open the lacquer exchange platform and trading platform.

Key Words:Internet plus; Lacquer; APP Interface Design; Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance