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单位:哈尔滨工业大...     作者:张伟明1 张蕾2     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-22

摘 要:以高校设计专业的教学模式为研究对象,从教育技术和教学媒介的嬗变展开探讨,分析教育技术和教学媒介所引发的高校设计专业教学模式改变,进而探索性的挖掘适应高校设计专业未来发展的教学模式,以期为现代教育技术和媒介的应用、为高校设计专业有效教学模式的建立提供一点可供参考的理论和方法参考。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The thesis focuses on the teaching mode of design major in higher education institutions. From the perspective of educational technologies and teaching media, this thesis discusses and analyses the changes of teaching mode in design major in higher education institutions, thus searching for suitable teaching modes for design major in higher education institutions in the hope of offering feasible theory and methods for both the application of modern educational technologies and media and the establishment of the effective teaching mode for design major in higher education institutions.

Key Words:Educational Technologies; Teaching Media; Teaching Mode; Design Major; Reform