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单位:深圳航空有限...     作者:栗琼     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-22

摘 要:航空物流与国际贸易之间存在的关系是指航空物流所拥有的要素能够具有对国际贸易产生影响的机理,国际贸易在受到要素变化下也随之发生变化。本文为了探究航空物流与国际贸易之间所存有的关联,在结合了中国某省份的国际物流情况后,对航空物流所存有的各项影响因素进行了总结归纳,在整理了相关数据后,利用实证模型对其作用的国际贸易进行了相关分析和数据平稳分析,得出二者间关系的结论。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:the relationship between aviation logistics and international trade, refers to the elements with aviation logistics can have influence mechanism on international trade, international trade by element changes have occurred in this paper. In order to explore the relationship between aviation logistics and international trade, in combination with the international logistics situation Chinese province after the influence factors have on aviation logistics is summarized, in the collation of relevant data, using empirical models of international trade on the role of stable analysis and correlation analysis, the relationship between the two data, draw conclusions.

Key Words:aviation logistics; international trade; empirical analysis; data stability