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单位:江南大学设计...     作者:敖雯瑜     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-21

摘 要:本研究致力于探究联合办公背后的社会、经济、技术、环境等背景因素;分析联合办公的发展演进、现状; 探求现今联合办公空间新特性。分析联合办公空间基于用户需求下的内容,更为方便的确定联合办公体验模型和设计准则。因此本研究内容的核心是希望解决联合办公的基本内容以及核心价值,从而探讨新的办公生活方式。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This research is aimed at exploring the background factors such as society, economy, technology and environment behind the Co-working space, analyzing the evolution and current situation and exploring the new characteristics of Co-working space. Analysis of Co-working space based on user needs under the content, more convenient to create the Co-working space experience models and design guidelines. Therefore, the core of this research is to solve the basic content of the Co-working space and find the core value, so as to explore the new working lifestyle.

Key Words:Co-working; sharing economy; experience design