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单位:清华大学美术学院     作者:黄琼 张歌明 陈楠     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-22

摘 要:海洋文明是人类恒久以来探索的目标,长期生活在钢筋混凝土的世界里,人们对于海洋知识的憧憬就更加迫切。此次课题就是要通过受众者在参与过程中了解海洋;了解鲸,达到呼吁人类和海洋和谐发展,关注海洋生态环境的目的。所以,本次科普研究实践的重点在于探索科普信息的传达方式的新方法,尝试打造一个基于鲸与海洋生态系统的信息可视化的展示平台,以易于理解的历史脚本和趣味的互动形式解读“鲸、海、人”的复杂关系,以游戏交互的方式激发观众的参与感和兴趣,为用户提供一个可以获取知识的互动平台。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Marine civilization is the object that mankind has been exploring for a long time. In the world of reinforced concrete, people's longing for the knowledge of the sea is even more urgent. This project aims to understand the ocean, understand the whales, and call for the harmonious development of human and Marine environment, and focus on the Marine ecological environment. So, the scientific research practice is focused on new way to explore the scientific way of conveying information, try to build a whale and Marine ecosystems based information visualization display platform, in order to easy to understand the history of the script and interesting forms of interactive interpretation "whales, sea and people" complicated relationship; To stimulate the audience's participation and interest in the way of game interaction; Provide an interactive platform for users to gain knowledge.

Key Words:Whales; Marine ecology; The spread of popular science; Information visualization; Colours mixed