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单位:西南大学纺织...     作者:杨晟     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-22

摘 要:自人们有了居住空间以来,装饰就随着人们的发展不断改进并融入到人们生活的方方面面;而人类对于美感与生俱来的渴望与深思使得装饰物不仅在满足人们生存需要的基础上更被赋予了情感传达这一精神上的功能,本文以软装饰设计元素的发展及对室内空间的影响为切入点,探索分析了软装饰设计元素在室内空间中的情感体现,以及软装饰设计元素对人们的情感影响。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Since people settled down and spend half of the time in the living space, decoration become more and more important with the higher and higher level of people’ living quantity, and they keep updating, and enter into many field in our daily life gradually. Human have an innate desire and pursuit of beauty, so we use decoration to meet our basic living needs and what’s more important is put more emotion and felling in all kinds of decorations.This paper is aimed at study the development of soft decoration factors and dig the influence they have in interior design, and on that base, analysis the emotion power that soft decoration factors delivered on interior design as well as the influence on human beings.

Key Words:soft decoration; interior design; emotion; appreciation of the beauty