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单位:Lancaster Uni...     作者:李振漫     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-22

摘 要:本文旨在探索一个帮助中国的中小型企业利用设计作为创新资源的途径。基于对以往的中国中小型企业创新研究文献思考的基础上,发现一系列阻碍小型企业创新的障碍;围绕设计对于商业创新能力的提升具有重要价值做了论述;为了鼓励与促进小型企业利用设计资源推动商业创新能力,文章具体介绍了Intermediary作为推动企业与创新资源合作转化的新思路在国外的发展情况,并结合美国IDEO与英国NASTA项目取得的成功案例说明Intermediary在创新资源整合与转化中存在的多种形式与意义;最后,提出一系列的建议推动Intermediary在中国设计与中小型商业合作领域的发展。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper commence with a comprehensive review of the previous literature concerning China SME innovation development. However,  previous studies on China SMEs identified design as a potential problem-solving tool for innovation, which was not only disregarded by SMEs but also by previous literature of SMEs innovation. This research focuses on intermediaries acting as the innovation broker within knowledge transformation. On a practical level the case of IDEO Company and the NESTA project (which aims at facilitating small businesses and design consultancies in the North West of the UK collaborating on innovation) will be employed to depict how intermediaries can assist small businesses collaborate with design experts for innovation. While several innovation intermediaries emerging from Chinese SMEs are different to Western SMEs, it is necessary to find an intermediary specifically for China SMEs.

Key Words:Commercial value of design; Innovation resource integration