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单位:上海现代建筑...     作者:莫雯骏     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-01-08

摘 要:随着社会经济的快速发展和城市化水平的不断提高,人们的生活质量也在不断提高。在日常生产生活中对于各种资源的消耗也越来越多。对于住宅方面的能耗来说,其主要包括了建材方面的消耗和人们居住过程中的能耗,这些能耗几乎占到了全国总能耗的37%左右。随着经济的快速增长,住宅能源消费在全国能源消费中所占的比重也会增加。我国是人口最多的国家,也是能源缺乏的国家,如果不注重建筑节能,将直接加剧能源危机。西方国家在遭受到资源危机后,将目光转向了新型资源,同时对建筑节能方面的探索及研究尤为重视,在建筑领域也逐渐加大对各种新型保温材料的应用,从而大大降低了建筑施工成本,同时还提升了材料的利用率。


中图分类号:TU201 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the rapid development of social economy and city level rising, people's quality of life has gradually improved, in daily life for the consumption of resources is also increasing. The energy consumption of residential areas, including the energy consumption in the process of residential building materials consumption and energy consumption of these people, accounting for almost the country's total energy consumption of about 37%. Now with the rapid economic growth will continue to increase, so the proportion of the national total energy consumption of residential energy consumption will continue to increase. China is the country most of the population, but also lack of energy in the country, if not pay attention to the construction of energy-efficient, will directly increase The energy crisis in western.

Key Words:architectural design; building energy saving; measures analysis