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品牌设计的情怀化——以MOVE UP服装品牌为例

单位:天津美术学院     作者:宋玉     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-22

摘 要:近几年,品牌情怀化和情怀化营销的例子越来越丰富,产品发布会也越来越标准化:“ppt+情怀演讲”[1]。“情怀”在品牌设计中到底是如何体现的,文章通过对MOVE UP品牌情怀化的解读和梳理,来阐述“情怀”在品牌设计中的发展,以及“情怀”对品牌设计发展中的双重性,从而让我们更好的理解品牌的情怀化。

关键词:品牌;情怀化;MOVE UP

中图分类号:XXXX 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In recent years, the brand feelings and feelings of marketing examples are more and more rich, product lannches will also become more and more standardized : "ppt+felings speech" "feelings" in the brand design in the end how to reflect, through the move up brand feelings of interpretaion and combing, to elaborate the "feelings" in the brand design, and "feelings" to the development of the dual nature of the brand design, so that we can better understand the feelings of the brand .

Key Words: brand; feelings; MOVE UP