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单位:上海交通大学...     作者:何欣怡     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-01-09

摘 要:珠宝首饰设计在长久的发展过程中,从单纯的追求造型美到如今被赋予更多的内容和意义。一直以来,珠宝首饰被当做对权力财富、身份地位、情感表达的一种方式,其中,对情感的抒发、对往事的积淀等成为情感表达中的大部分主题。设计师们通过珠宝首饰,来讲述他们想要讲述的故事,表达他们所期望表达的思想和情感,这就使得珠宝首饰设计中被赋予更多的故事性设计。



中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Jewelry design has been given much more content and significant besides simple beauty during the long period of development. It is regarded as a way of presenting power and wealth, status and position as well as emotional expression. Emotion expressing and memories of the past are two popular themes of jewelry. Designers tell their stories by the means of sculpturing the precious stone, which made the jewelry with more meaningful.

Indeed, the style of design can be developed into many directions, while the story behind it can highlight the design。The stories enable appreciators and designers to share resonance and thoughts with each other. Therefore, this article is aimed to discuss how to engage the story-telling design theory into jewelry design.

Key Words:jewelry design; story-telling design