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单位:西南交通大学     作者:刘冰冰     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-22

摘 要:丹麦艺术家埃利亚松,从关注科技与视觉美结合的可能性入手,进行一系列的装置艺术实验,从而获得对大自然魅力的重新发现;并结合梅洛·庞帝的知觉现象学,对理性下定义的思维方式进行批判,高度重视感性感知,让世界重现他“不透明性”的神秘魅力;他的装置艺术作品对当代设计的设计方法论有重大的启发性作用,为当代设计发展方向点亮灯塔。


中图分类号:J11 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Danish artist Eliasson, starting from the possibility of the combination of technology and art are concerned, a series of experimental art installations, so as to obtain a redefinition of the nature of the charm; and combining the perceptual phenomenon Maurice Merleau-Ponty, the definition of rational mode of thinking under the criticize, attaches great importance to a sense of perception, he let the world return "the mysterious charm of opacity"; design method of his installation art works to the contemporary design theory has great enlightening role for the contemporary design’s development.

Key Words:emotional resistance; nature complex charm; immersive experience; design methodology