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单位:国网永春县供...     作者:吕德兴     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-01-09

摘 要:电力企业在发展运营过程中,其内部管理人员需对行政管理工作给予高度重视,该工作在企业发展中占据核心地位,不仅可对日常琐碎工作加以管理,同时还可促进各部门之间的协调稳定发展,为企业各项经营活动的顺利开展和经济效益的提升提供有效保障。本文主要对新时期背景下,电力企业行政管理效率的提高策略进行了研究。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:the development of electric power enterprises in the process of operation, the internal management personnel should attach great importance to administrative work, the work occupies the key position in the development of enterprises, not only to the management of day-to-day work, but also can promote the harmonious and stable development between various departments, enterprises of various business activities carried out smoothly and economic to enhance the effectiveness of providing effective protection. This paper focuses on the background of the new era, the administrative efficiency of electric power enterprises to improve the strategy.

Key Words:electric power enterprise; administration; national economy; pillar type enterprise; incentive mechanism