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单位:青海民族大学...     作者:李仕豪     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-01-09

摘 要:近年来全国各地彩礼数额日渐高涨,引发了社会各界的广泛关注。本文深入社会基层,通过在洛阳市瀍河回族区的调查和访谈,发现从上世纪九十年代到最近两年,彩礼由多样财物变为单一金钱,数额不断上涨,名目日益繁多,嫁妆与彩礼之间的价值差距不断拉大。高额彩礼诱发了许多家庭乃至社会问题,基于对彩礼这一习惯与法律发生冲突的现象与其原因的分析,同时综合各种因素,提出了法律规制与价值观引导双管齐下的建议。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:in recent years, the number of CAI li in China has been increasing, which has aroused wide public concern. Deep social base, this article through in the city of luoyang the chan river HuiZu District surveys and interviews, found that from the 1990 s to the last two years, CAI li amount rising, increasingly wide range of dowry and value between the bride price gap is widening. High price to induce a lot of family and social problems, based on the dowry the habit and the law of conflict phenomenon and its reason analysis, the comprehensive factors at the same time, puts forward some Suggestions of legal regulation and values to guide both.

Key Words:Chan river HuiZu district; CAI li; Habit and law