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单位:长沙民政职业...     作者:喻冰如 伍建平     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-01-09

摘 要:信息时代,各种信息技术已应用到教学之中,信息化的教学手段为传统教学解决了许多曾经难以解决的难题。但信息化手段并不能乱用和滥用,对于不同的课程要选择合适的信息化教学手段才能达到解决问题提高教学质量的目的。数码插画设计是艺术设计专业大类中的一门重要课程其本身就是一种数字化信息化工具。因其先天的原因,应用传统的教学方法已无法达成教学目标。为此,合理的信息化教学手段在数码插画设计课程教学中有着极为重要的作用。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:in the information age, all kinds of information technology have been applied to teaching, and the information-based teaching method has solved many difficult problems for traditional teaching. However, information technology can not be used or abused. For different courses, we must choose appropriate information teaching means to solve problems and improve teaching quality. Digital illustration design is an important course in the major category of art and design, which itself is a digital information tool. Because of its congenital reasons, the application of traditional teaching methods can not reach the teaching goal. Therefore, the reasonable means of information teaching plays an extremely important role in the teaching of digital illustration design course.

Key Words:information; task driven; digital illustration design course; booking teaching in the same hall