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单位:山东省烟台第...     作者:丛玮     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-22

摘 要:中国元素是中华上下五千年文明的象征,凝聚了中华文化的形态美和寓意美。将中国元素融入工业设计,不仅可以提升设计产品的内涵,还可以使用户更好地了解中华文化。本文通过分析中国元素与工业设计的融合,列举含有中国元素的典型工业设计实例,展望未来工业设计与中国元素融合方式,从而达到将中国元素更好地融入工业设计中,并弘扬中国传统文化的目的。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Chinese elements originate from Chinese culture, which coacervation formal beauty and profound meaning of Chinese culture. The integration of Chinese elements and Industrial design can not only promote the connotation of the design itself, but show users a better understanding of Chinese culture as well. With the aim to develop Chinese culture and also promote the integration process of Chinese elements and Industrial design, first of all, this paper put forward the concept of both Chinese elements and industrial design. Then, by analyzing connections between Chinese elements and Industrial design, listing designs examples with Chinese elements, we could have an insight of how Chinese elements can be applied in the design process.

Key Words:Chinese elements; Chinese culture, Industrial design; integration