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单位:华东理工大学      作者:闫爱宾 张然     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-01-26

摘 要:《说园》五篇是著名园林建筑学家陈从周的代表作,对中国传统造园理论手法及对当代园林景观建设的启示进行了深入分析,具有很高的学术价值与现实意义。《说园》不同于一般的学术论著,是以小品文的文体形式展开对造园理论与手法的探讨,形式自由,行文生动,深入浅出。本文尝试对《说园》“随兴而至”的书写内容进行体系性梳理,从园林景象要素和美学思想两方面出发解读其蕴含的造园思想,以探讨分散自由的书写形式背后的结构性逻辑关系。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The five chapter of On Garden is a masterpiece by Chen Congzhou, who is a famous Chinese landscape architect. He has deeply analyzed Chinese traditional gardening theory and the inspiration of the construction of Contemporary Landscape Architecture. It has high academic value and practical significance. On Garden is different from the general academic works, which is a discussion of the theory and technique of gardening in the style of the essay. This paper attempts to systematically sort out the writing contents of On Garden and interpret its implied gardening thoughts from two aspects,landscape elements and aesthetic thoughts, so as to explore the structural logical relationship behind the scattered free writing forms.

Key Words:On Garden; Congzhou Chen; Gardening; Chinese classical garden; Scene