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单位:上海交通大学...     作者:王磊     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-01-26

摘 要:长尾理论在当代社会所扮演的角色并不只是“P2P +O2O”这些营销方式的概念基础,同时也充当着我国现在各种营销手段的灵感来源,具体一点说,例如众包、共享、众筹、重度垂直等等一些列的经营理念,我们都能够从中找到长尾理论的一星半点。在西方发达国家长尾理论已经为众多商家所熟知,而眼下与之相关的众多理念也开始逐渐在我国的互联网市场竞争的实际操作中崭露头角。而在设计界开始诞生例如众包、众筹、定制等全新的模式。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The long tail theory is not only the theoretical support of the "P2P +O2O" model, but also one of the root causes of many domestic business theories and business models, such as crowdsourcing, crowd raising, sharing economy, severe vertical, etc.. On the other side of the Pacific in two years later, now the long tail theory and its derivative theory quickly swept the domestic Internet industry. And in the design community began to be born, such as crowdsourcing, crowdsourcing, customization and other new models.

Key Words:long tail theory; P2P+O2O; crowdsourcing design; crowdsourcing; customization