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单位:哈尔滨理工大...     作者:厉套     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-01-26

摘 要:随着人们对居住环境和生活品质要求的不断提高,绿色环保和健康成为现代室内环境设计亟待解决的焦点问题。文章以竹材为研究对象,对其在室内设计中的应用展开深入研究。首先,通过对竹材本身属性和价值的挖掘,探讨了竹材的优势和潜在价值;其次,对其在室内环境设计中的可应用形式进行了挖掘;最后,通过对现有应用实例的解析,进一步论证其新的开发和应用方式的可行性。研究借助三个方面的探讨,以期为竹材的开发和利用提供一点可供参考的实践指导。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:As people’s living standards and a demand for quality life increase, environmentally-friendliness and healthiness have become popular issues in the design industry. This thesis studies the application of bamboo in interior design and is elaborated in three parts: firstly, the discussion of the advantages and potential value of bamboo by studying into the properties and value of bamboo; secondly, the study of the applicable forms of bamboo in interior design; and, thirdly, on the basis of existing examples, further proof of the feasibility of the development and application of bamboo. It is hoped that the abovementioned parts will be of help to the practices of the development and utilization of bamboo in interior design.

Key Words:bamboo; interior design; development of bamboo; application of bamboo