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作者:薛青     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-01-26

摘 要:本文通过对工业设计专业教育现状的分析,并阐述众筹设计理念的特点,分析总结出工业设计教育结合众筹平台的优势,继而引发出众筹平台支持下工业设计教学过程新的设计流程,给处于瓶颈期的学校设计教育带来了转机,使得很多原本局限于纸面的设计方案有了实现产业化的可能,最终将设计教育能够与市场接轨,使学生能够学以致用。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper analyses the current situation of industrial design education, and expounds the characteristics of the design concept of public financing, analyses and summarizes the advantages of industrial design education combined with public platform, and then leads to a new design process of industrial design teaching process under the support of outstanding platform, for the bottleneck period of school design education brings about a turning point, so that many of the original paper-based design programs have the possibility of industrialization, and ultimately the design education can be in line with the market, so that students can apply what they have learned.

Key Words:crowd funding; industrial design education; feasibility