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单位:鲁迅美术学院     作者:曹宇欣     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-01-26

摘 要:本文简述产品设计发展的道路,通过过经济、文化、政治和人文角度阐述后现代主义风格的产生,分别介绍后现代主义以后在工业设计上的流派,将以人为设计理念的作为根本设计风格,适应市场的需求、符合人们日常使用、将功能与形式作为统一的设计理念才是符合当下社会发展的,微电子风格作为当下发展迅速的产品风格是应用最广泛,并且是人们接受程度最高的风格、这种轻小的极简设计是未来发展的趋势。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:the development of the product design of the road, through the economic, cultural, political and cultural aspects of postmodern style, introduces the postmodern in industrial design schools, will be human design concept as the basic design style, to meet the market demand, meet the people's daily, functions and as a form of unified design concept is in line with the social development, the rapid development of microelectronics style as the current product style is the most widely used, and when people receive the highest level of minimalist design style, this light is the trend of future development.

Key Words:function; decoration; extremely simple