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单位:中央美术学院     作者:胡汉华     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-25

摘 要:传统工艺文化在审美方面的价值的无限放大,也恰恰不利于其进入到更为广阔的平常生活里和更大范围的推广传播。尝试剥离其物化和非物化功能,通过新的设计理念和方法(系统服务设计)去挖掘出传统工艺文化中的非物质化服务的潜力,必须结合现代设计的和工业文明,找到传统工艺文化中的新应用载体,让传统工艺文化真真正正的融入到设计中去,融入到现代生活中来。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The aesthetic value of traditional handicraft culture has been magnified infinitely, which prevents the traditional handicraft from entering people's daily life and promoting extensively. This thesis tries to remove the materialized and dematerialized functions of the traditional handicraft, and tries to exploit the dematerialized service potentialities of traditional handicraft culture through new concept and methodology (systematical design of service). The combination of modern design and industrial civilization, and a new carrier will make the traditional handicraft culture melt completely into the design and modern life.

Key Words:Application of traditional handicraft; folk culture; systematical framework; innovative service