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单位:大连民族大学...     作者:耿舒畅1 宗诚2     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-25

摘 要:随着网络科技的发展和普及,信息化几乎覆盖了人类活动的方方面面[1]。它彻底改变了大众的生活娱乐方式。这种深层次的技术变革不仅弱化了博物馆的社会功能,同时使博物馆很难与现代娱乐业文化产品相抗衡,最终导致其不断被市场边缘化,造成观众大量流失。本文从文化创新和商业化角度尝试探讨解决中小型博物馆边缘化的对策及未来博物馆的发展方向和设计思考等问题。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development and popularization of network technology, information tech- -nology almost covers all aspects of human activities. It completely changed the way of public entertainment. The deep technological change not only weaken the social function of the museum, At the same time,making it difficult for museums to compete with modern entertainment culture products, eventually lead to the marginalized by the market, constantly causing huge loss of the audience. This article from the perspective of cultural innovation and commercialization try to explore solutions of the small and medium-sized museum marginalized and the future development direction and design thinking of the museum.

Key Words:Museum; Cultural innovation; Commercial design