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单位:清华大学美术学院     作者:杜京玉 史习平     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-25

摘 要:本文以萤火虫为研究对象,全面研究和了解萤火虫的特点及文化。根据萤火虫相关知识的分析和科普,并结合实际户外展区的空间进行全面考虑,通过三个部分共同打造出互动体验区,将萤火虫科普的知识性特征与空间艺术性、互动乐趣性相结合;将科普知识与人文情怀相结合。以此呼吁大家珍视环境、保护好萤火虫。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In this paper, we take firefly as the research object, and study and understand the characteristics and culture of fireflies.According to the analysis of the firefly and science related knowledge, combined with the actual outdoor exhibition space to conduct a comprehensive consideration, through the three parts together to create interactive experience area, the firefly science knowledge characteristics and space art, interactive fun combination; the combination of scientific knowledge and humanistic feelings.In this way, we appeal to people to cherish the environment and protect fireflies.

Key Words:Firefly; Popular science exhibition design