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单位:无锡太湖学院1...     作者:周敏宁1 邵炜丹2     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-25

摘 要:文章基于历史文献、实物资料考据,以江苏电子家电产品为例,阐述了新中国家电设计发展的历程和阶段性特点,和与工艺美术、工业美术、工业工程设计之间的区别。表明新中国早期家电制造中工业设计之萌芽,与改革开引进国外生产线中国本土家电设计的割裂。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper based on the historical literature, textual materials, electronic products in Jiangsu as an example, describes the history and characteristics of the development stage of new China appliance design, and the difference between art and industrial arts, industrial engineering design. It shows that the germination of industrial design in the early home appliance manufacturing in New China, and the separation of the design of China's local home appliance from the introduction of foreign production lines.

Key Words:home appliance design; electronic home appliances; industrial design, germination