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单位:湖南工业大学...     作者:秦亦楠     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-25

摘 要:从城市公园的绿色基础设施出发,将新型雨水管理理念融入景观中进行塑造,以城市雨水公园为例,探寻城市公园景观的雨水资源管理的最优途径。分析不同类型的优秀雨水管理实践场地进行水消纳包容、水资源净化、调蓄径流专项整治的雨水公园,并对雨水景观的合理管理策略的讨论和总结,力求为同类型的雨水公园景观场地管理提供借鉴。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Starting from the infrastructure of city green park, blend in the new stormwater management concept into the landscape in shape, with city water park as an example, explore the urban park landscape, the optimal way of rainwater resource management. Analysis of the different types of good management practice area for rain water given tolerance, rectification of water purification, to regulate runoff of stormwoter park, and reasonable management strategy of rainwater landscape discussion and summary, strive for the same type of rain water park landscape site management for reference.

Key Words:Green infrastructure; Rainwater management; Urban rain park