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单位:太原工业学院...     作者:澹台嘉孜     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-25

摘 要:大学校园文化是学校师生向心力与自我发展聚合力的综合产物,它既是整个校园的精神象征,更是塑造出了校园理念与信仰。如何使学生更直观的、更主动的去熟知校园文化;如何在潜移默化过程中,将文化理念铭记于心;如何以一种更新颖的方式去表达大学文化,这些都是我们亟待研究与探讨的问题。



中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:campus culture is a comprehensive product of the centripetal force and self development and cohesion of a school. It is not only the spiritual symbol of the whole campus, but also the idea and belief of the campus. How to make students more intuitive and more active to familiar with the campus culture; how to influence in the process of cultural philosophy to heart; how in a novel way to express the university culture, these are all we need to research and discuss the problem.

This paper will focus on the analysis and comparison to traditional media and modern media as the media college campus culture dissemination way, through in-depth research and Analysis on the characteristics of campus culture, education methods, explore the existing campus culture system and the expression of the various elements of the type of question in the current situation, and find out a more appeal, sense of participation in cultural dissemination of the road.

Key Words:animation; campus culture; ways of communication; modern media