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单位:广州大学美术...     作者:冯达伟     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-26

摘 要:在人类对自然的不断探究以及发现的过程中,人们有意识的对自然进行模仿以及设计,创造出各种与人们实际需求相吻合的产品。在这种状况之下,仿生设计在工业设计中逐渐的应用了起来,在现阶段的发展中,仿生设计对于人与自然的和谐更为重视,其在设计过程中注重环境的保护,继而有效地推动环境的可持续发展。仿生设计是一种全新的设计方式,在实践中通过生物学的相关原理进行构造系统的设计,进而有效地满足人们的各种实际需求。对此本文主要对工业设计中的仿生设计地应用进行简单的探究分析。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:in the process of human exploration and discovery of nature, people are conscious of the imitation and design of nature, and create a variety of products consistent with the actual needs of the people. Under this condition, the bionic design in industrial design gradually used up in the current stage of the development of bionic design for harmony of man and nature is more emphasis on its focus on the protection of the environment in the design process, and effectively promote the sustainable development of environment, the bionic design is a new design way the design of system structure, the principle of biology in practice, practical and effective to meet people's needs. In this regard, this paper mainly discusses the application of bionic design in industrial design.

Key Words:industrial design; bionic design; application