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单位:上海交通大学     作者:许倩     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-26

摘 要:随着社会的发展,消费者的消费期望持续不断地更新,消费方式也发生了质的转变,从有限的被动选择到主动的精确检索,情绪逐渐变成影响消费者购物决策的重要因素。情绪消费理论基于消费者的性格和品位,将消费者划分为不同的情绪消费类型。本文运用语义差别法和数据分析等方法,进行不同情绪类型的消费者对手表的感性测试,并通过数据处理和分析,得到不同类型消费者的偏好,做出语义坐标图,对于以后的手表设计具有参考意义。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development of society, consumers 'consumption expectation is continually updated and the way of consumption has changed qualitatively. From the limited passive selection to the active accurate retrieval, the emotion gradually becomes an important factor influencing the consumers' shopping decision The Emotional consumption theory is based on the consumer's character and taste, the consumer is divided into different types of emotional consumption. In this paper, we use semantic difference method and data analysis method to carry out the emotional test of different consumers of different emotions, and through the data processing and analysis, get different types of consumer preferences, make semantic coordinates, for the future design of the watch Has a reference.

Key Words:emotional consumption theory; product design; SD method; consumer preference