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单位:西安工业大学...     作者:魏蓉 史雪瑞     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-26

摘 要:为建立符合审美规律的兵器美学体系,本文运用技术美学原理理论,结合技术美学中技术产品的审美形态特征,针对兵器美学体系建立的需求和意义,寻找技术美学与兵器美学之间的潜在联系。结果,从兵器设计制造中的原理法则、造型语言在兵器设计上的应用与体现进行分析,对兵器美学价值进行研究;从材料与工艺、功能与结构、比例与造型、均衡与稳定、涂装与色彩,以及环境与和谐,共六部分对兵器美学体系进行研究架构,初步建立兵器美学体系。


中图分类号:J01 文献标识码:A


Abstract:For building a weapon system which meet the law of beauty. Method Using the theories of technological aesthetic and combine the form characteristic of product in technological aesthetics. For the demand and meaning of build the weapon aesthetics, find out the potential relationship between weapon aesthetics and technological aesthetics. Result Analyzing the theory of weapon design and the form language on weapon design, study the value of weapon aesthetics. Conclusio Study the weapon aesthetic from the six part of materials and technology, function and structure, proportion and sculpt, equilibrium and stabilization, coating and color, environment and harmony. Building the weapon aesthetics initially.

Key Words:technological aesthetics; weapon design; weapon aesthetics