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单位:沈阳航空航天大学     作者:王亚琴 刘洋     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-26

摘 要:从设计执行角度,将博物馆、消费者及设计师作为分析对象,建构出基于博物馆文化衍生品设计之三角关系,建立博物馆文化衍生品开发设计策略的研究雏形。从5W1H切入对博物馆资源进行分析,探索其文化内涵,此为设计源起;通过文献阅读分析,探究消费者对博物馆文化衍生品特质关联程度,把握消费者需求;从设计人员的角色做探讨,对于与消费者相关联的博物馆文化衍生品特质进行统整归类,进而转化为相对应之设计手法。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:From the perspective of design execution, the museum, consumers and designers are used as the object of analysis to construct the triangular relationship based on the design of museum cultural derivatives, and the research form of the development strategy of museum cultural derivatives is established. From the 5W1H cut into the analysis of the museum resources to explore its cultural connotation, this design source; through the literature reading analysis, to explore the characteristics of the characteristics of the museum cultural derivatives, to grasp the needs of consumers; from the role of designers to do, For the consumer associated with the museum cultural derivatives characteristics of the classification, and then transformed into the corresponding design techniques.

Key Words:museum; cultural derivatives; design strategy