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单位:东莞职业技术学院     作者:邓海静     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-26

摘 要:随着人机交互技术的发展,智能穿戴设备已经从概念化走向商业化,设备形态和涉及的领域也呈现多样化,如何高效、合理的开发产品成为亟待解决的问题。本文首先从智能穿戴设备、专业设计公司设计程序和人机交互技术的概念入手进行分析; 然后对智能穿戴设备的人机交互技术现状进行详细的说明; 之后以VR眼镜为例,运用专业设计公司设计程序,结合相关人机交互技术进行设计研究与实践。可以有效提升智能穿戴设备的设计效率和设计水平,让设计过程更为科学化。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development of human-computer interaction technology, intelligent wearing equipment has been from conceptualization to commercialization, equipment form and the areas involved are also diversified, efficient and reasonable development of products become an urgent problem to be solved. This paper starts from the concept of intelligent wear equipment, professional design company design program and human-computer interaction technology; Then elaborates the present situation of human-computer interaction technology of intelligent wearing equipment; Take VR glasses for example to carry out design research and practiceuse use professional design company design procedures and the relevant human-computer interaction technology.This can effectively enhance the intelligent wear equipment design efficiency and design level, so as to make the design process more scientific.

Key Words:design program; human-computer interaction; intelligent wear; design; VR glasses