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单位:沈阳航空航天大学     作者:李思远     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-26

摘 要:众所周知一个公共设施是一个城市的名片,是一个城市树立良好形象的要素之一,关乎到城市的精神层面,一个城市的发展是文明进步的象征。旅游景区的建设更是一个城市文化的缩影,伴随这现代化的发展一个城市的地域文化和特色也可能会被现代化、商业化。因此公共设施作为五台山旅游景区的细枝末梢也是应该体现当地旅游区的地域特征,应该有一个对应性的建设规划,使产品表现的文化内涵与符合本地区的历史背景。只是考虑设施的功能性只会显得单一呆板毫无特色,泯灭了这个景区的文化。五台山的公共设施的设计在佛教圣地这个特定的区域里所构筑的背景,应该是符合地理、气候、历史、信仰、风俗等与城市和景区相对应的人文特色,因此五台山旅游景区的公共设施的设计更应该具有艺术与文化的联系,功能与文化的碰撞的本质。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:It is well known that a public facility is a city business card, is a city to establish a good image of one of the elements and related to the spirit of the city level, the city development is a symbol of civilization and progress. The construction of tourist attractions is a microcosm of a city culture, with the development of this modern city's regional culture and characteristics may be modernized and commercialized, public facilities as a part of Wutai Mountain tourist area should reflect The regional characteristics of the local tourist area, and there should be a corresponding construction planning, that the cultural connotation of the product performance in line with the historical background of the region. If only consider the functionality of the facilities will appear to be a single rigid no features and devoid of the culture of the area. Wutai Mountain's design of public facilities in the Buddhist holy sites in this particular area, should be consistent with the geographical, climate, history, beliefs, customs and other cities and scenic spots corresponding to the humanities, so Wutai Mountain tourist area of public facilities The design should have the art and culture of the link, the function and the nature of the collision of culture.

Key Words:Public Facilities; Wutai Mountain Area; Culture; Regional; Characteristic Design