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单位:四川大学艺术学院     作者:刘梦瑶     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-26

摘 要:本文以卧龙自然保护区中华大熊猫苑神树坪基地的环境规划设计为具体案例,配合当地特殊的生态环境基础与文化基础,同时,进行市场调查,分析游客心理及行为习惯,指导环境设计的具体应用。探索以替代性(非大众性)旅游理念作为在当地的具体规划概念指导的可实施性。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper is based on the specific case of environment planning & design for Shenshuping Base of China Giant Panda Garden at Wolong Nature Reserve, and also considers special local ecological environment and culture. Meanwhile, market survey was conducted to analyze visitors’ psychology and behavioral habit to guide the specific application of environment design. It aims to explore the feasibility of taking the alternative (non-mass) tourism idea as a guiding concept for local planning.

Key Words:The wolong Chinese Giant Panda Court divine tree Ping Base; Alternative tourism; ecological environment protection; environmental design