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单位:常州大学艺术学院     作者:季海蓉 李宪锋 胡秀峰     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-26

摘 要:建筑代表着人工美,而植物代表自然美。建筑拥有固定不变的色彩和形状,生硬的轮廓线,缺乏艺术气息。相比之下,植物有着柔和的枝条,丰富的季相变化。在建筑周围栽种植物,不仅可以丰富景观色彩,使原有的景观更具情感,还能达到人工建筑与自然相互协调的目的,创造出舒适健康的人居环境。本文尝试以常州市为研究区域,通过调查常州市建筑与植物的营造现状并进行分析,总结归纳植物与建筑配置营造中应遵循的法则,以期为其他江南城市建筑与植物的营造提供相关理论指导和借鉴。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Architectures stand for artificial beauty, while plants represent natural beauty. Architectures have fixed colors and shapes, rigid contours, and a lack of artistic appeal. In contrast, the plants have soft branches and multiform seasonal changes. Planting around the architectures can not only enrich the color of the landscape, make the original landscape more emotional, but also achieve the purpose of coordination between man-made buildings and nature, thus create a comfortable and healthy living environment. This paper attempts to analyze the status quo of construction and plant construction in the city of Changzhou, and summarize the rules to be followed in the construction of plant and building configuration, so as to provide relevant theoretical guidance for other Jiangnan urban architecture and plant construction.

Key Words:plants; architectures, natural beauty; artificial beauty; ChangZhou