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单位:西南交通大学...     作者:黄月 万萱     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-26

摘 要:基于视觉障碍者的出行需求,对成都地铁导视系统设计进行研究。通过收集相关资料与实地调研,探究特殊群体的出行习惯与现状,分析该群体的根本需求,分析成都地铁站内导视系统设计在满足该方面的合理性,从而提出在导视系统设计中通过触感、听觉、嗅觉应用为视觉障碍者提供乘车便利。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Based on the travel needs of visually impaired persons, the Chengdu subway Way-finding system design is studied. Through the collection of relevant information and field research, to explore the special groups of travel habits and the status quo, the analysis of the basic needs of the group, analysis of Chengdu subway station Way-finding system design to meet the rationality of this aspect, so as to guide the system design through touch, Hearing, olfactory applications for the visually impaired to provide convenience.

Key Words:subway way-finding system design; disabled group; visually impaired; subway way-finding system of Chengdu; barrier-free design