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单位:常州大学     作者:何扬帆 覃会优     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-26

摘 要:随着当今社会信息时代高速发展,数字化媒体技术也更加广泛的应用在各个行业之中。在数字化媒体的快速更新的背景下,UI界面交互设计行业更展现出欣欣向荣的趋势。图像学是艺术学的研究对象,本文以图像学分析方法为理论依据,阐明其在UI交互设计中的推动作用,把图像学应用在移动端UI设计中,目的在于让UI设计师从基本的设计理论出发,可以让设计师更加提升人机交互的体验,进一步实现移动端UI 界面设计的价值性,这也是本文探讨图像学分析法在UI设计中启示的目的。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the rapid development of the information age in the society, digital media technology is also more widely used in various industries. In the context of rapid updating of digital media, the UI interface design industry is showing a thriving trend.The image is the study object of art, based on image analysis method as the theoretical basis, to clarify its role in the interactive design of UI, the image in the mobile terminal in the UI design, the purpose is to let the UI designer design starting from the basic theory, can make designers more to enhance human-computer interaction experience, further realize the value of the UI interface design of mobile terminal, which is to explore the image analysis method in the design of UI to the enlightenment.

Key Words:UI design; image; man-machine interactive experience