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单位:西南交通大学...     作者:武红艳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-26

摘 要:在众多的颜色中,红色在中华民族的历史进程中扮演着重要的角色。人们习惯将红色与吉祥如意等好兆头联系在一起。本文将对中国红色文化的传承和在公益广告设计中的运用与表现进行分析,进而知道中国红的内在情感和意韵。结合实际探讨如何更好把握中国红与公益广告设计之间的联系及用他来赋予设计新的表现形式,让设计者能拥有更好的设计思维,使中国红文化价值能在设计中得到更好的运用。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Among the many colors, red plays an important role in the history of the Chinese nation. People are used to associating red with good omen. This paper will analyze the inheritance of Chinese red culture and its application and performance in the design of public service advertising, so as to know the inner emotion and rhyme of Chinese red. Combined with the actual to discuss how to better grasp Chinese red and the connection between the public welfare advertisement design and use him to give design a new form of expression, let the designers to have a better design thinking, make Chinese red culture value can be better used in the design.

Key Words:"China red"、public service advertisement; modern design;  practical application