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单位:上海天祥质量...     作者:刘红非     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-26

摘 要:近些年来,伴随着人们生活水平的高速提升,其对童装质量的要求也越来越高,婴幼儿服装是人们在日常生活中接触最频繁、使用最多的服装产品。婴幼儿服装产品质量的优劣会对儿童的身心健康产生重要的影响。然而婴幼儿服装的质量问题却令人堪忧,甚至出现出口到国外的童装出现退货的现象。目前,该方面的内容已经引起了社会各界的高度重视,大量的技术人员开始投身到相关课题项目的研究工作中,因此,本论文主要从检测机构在检测童装中出现的质量问题以及如何解决出现的质量问题两个方面关注婴幼儿服装的问题,希望能为我国儿童的服装安全问题提供一定的保障。


中图分类号:TS941 文献标识码:A


Abstract:infant clothing is the most frequent and most frequently used clothing product in daily life. The quality of infant clothing products will have an important impact on children's physical and mental health. However, the quality of infants and young children's clothing is worrying, and even exported to foreign children's clothing phenomenon of return. This paper mainly from the detection institutions in the detection of children's clothing quality problems, and how to solve the quality problems of two aspects of infants and young children clothing problem.

Key Words:Children's clothing inspection; quality problems; measures